If you are a licensed mental health provider or a credentialed substance use professional and a member of the Eastern or Oriental Orthodox Church.
Please apply to be listed in this directory.
Note that licensed/credentialed professionals can be listed in this directory even if not currently providing direct clinical services but are offering other related services such as:
- supervision
- consultation
- psychoeducation
The licensed/credentialed professional may also be included if they are:
- An administrator at a hospital, university, clinic or other direct service setting
- A professor
- A researcher
- and/or are willing to connect people with other known providers
Choose Donation Plan
Professional Plan
Basic Plan
Business Plan
No. At this time, the directory only lists licensed mental health professionals and credentialed substance abuse professionals.
You must have a license or credentials to verify in order to be considered for inclusion. Some states provide provisional licenses. If you have a license number, please apply.
You can add your clinic, office, or group to Theoria Wellness website absolutely free. Click on the “+Add Listing” button and fill out the fields in order to get started.
Contributions are not required to add a new listing to our website, but we greatly appreciate any financial contributions you can offer.
If you have a Pro account your listing will visible for 90 days, and 180 days in the case of Enterprise account, unless you delete it. If you have a Basic account, your listing will be visible for 30 days. After 30 days your listing will expire and will be deleted from the database. You can re-add your listing if it expires.
About 10 minutes, and you can save a partially completed application and come back to it later.
Yes. This directory will be available long term, and you will likely have openings in the future. Also, if you are willing to point individuals who contact you to other Orthodox providers in the directory that would be helpful.
Yes. If you provide consultation, psychoeducation or supervision, we encourage you to join the directory. Also, if you are willing to be a referral source and connect individuals with providers, then you should join the directory.